STK-ID 24563

[Remark: the apples of Nova Scotia, like the oranges of California, are world reknown.] CU of three apples in tree. Various shots of Annapolis Valley and of trees in full bloom. CU of bloom, of children cutting one off tree. Tractor-drawn disking machine advancing between trees. Shot of men spraying trees from tank on wagon. Various shots, CUs of fruits on trees. Shots of apple harvesting during fall. Shots of men on ladders and on ground, picking fruit, dumping bags in barrels and loading barrels on wagon. Barrels of apples are brought to co-operative warehouses where fruits are graded, inspected and packed. Shot of barrels of apples being rolled into freight cars. Shot of small boy standing in barrel, munching away at two apples, one in each hand.


Excerpt from
The Apples of Annapolis
Nova Scotia
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio