[Remark: a new National Park has been set aside where Cape Breton advances far into the Atlantic.] Shot of sea and shore. Long PAN of city of Sydney, port in foreground. Shot of famous Margaree Valley, farmer harvesting hay, people picking berries. Shot of elderly Acadian couple sitting in front of their house. CU of woman spinning, of spinning wheel, of other handicrafts. Various HASs of mountains, sea, Cabot Trail, now a highway. Shot of water lapping on small sheltered beach. HASs of Cabot Trail, car speeding along. Various shots of surrounding countryside. Shot of buildings and small boats at Neil's Harbour. Shot of water splashing against rocky shore. HAS and level shot of sheltered pool fed by picturesque cascade, man fishing. Shot of South Ingonish Harbour framed by tree branches. Shot of harbour, small steamer sailing out, water splashing against shore. Shot of seascape from Cape Smoky.