MS of Phil Boudreau, dog trainer, wife and daughter in living room. Shot of woman getting "permanent" in Beauty Shoppe. Exterior LS of barbershop, snow gently falling. Interior shot of barbers cutting men's hair. Dining room of Empire Hotel, women setting banquet table, men eating at table. PAN of newly built houses, huge snowbanks in front. LS of people scurring about on Main Street of Timmins. Exterior shot of Empire Hotel, staff and management of hotel posing for photo. Exterior shot of Timmins garage, of 1928 cars outside, people inspecting cars, interior shot of modern and complete stock of auto parts. Shot of mechanic at work on engine, of man in best Sunday clothes, spray painting car. Shots of various buildings in Timmins, of Goldfield and New Empire Hotels. Shot of Mr E Columbo, theatre manager, typing at desk. Several shots of members of City Council sitting around banquet table. CS fire chief of City of Timmins, PAN of firemen posing beside their fire truck.