In Thailand, sequence on a grandmother rocking a baby to sleep. Shot of children in a canoe on a canal. Shot of a grandmother preparing food. Shot of a grandfather and a Thai boy feeding pigs, throwing slop into the water, fish surfacing for meal. Shot of the Thai boy folding a mattress in the morning, washing up before setting out for school. Various shots of a boy rowing a canoe to school. Incidental shots of other boats, of the banks of the canal, lush foliage, buildings. Shot of several children arriving at school in a canoe, clambering up on landing, congregating in the schoolyard. Sequence on a boy putting a bridle on a water buffalo, mounting and riding the buffalo past the camera along a pathway to a rice paddy where his grandfather is awaiting. Shot of the two harnessing water buffaloes to primitive ploughs, proceeding to plough the rice paddy.