STK-ID 24867

LS of Centre Block at Parliament Buildings, Wellington Street traffic moving by in immediate foreground. Cut to Peace Tower framed in archway. Interior shots of conference in progress in the Senate Railway Committee Room. Delegates include from Alberta DB Macmillan, Deputy Minister of Public Works, GHN Monkman, Deputy Minister of Public Works, A Frame, Highways Commissioner, from Prince Edward Island RG White, Deputy Minister of Public Works and Highways, Walter J Jones, Premier and Minister of Public Works. CU of Premier Jones of Prince Edward Island. From Manitoba Honourable Errick F Willis, Minister of Public Works, from Nova Scotia RW McColough, MS Rawding, Minister of Highways, from Ontario JD Miller, George Doucet, Minister of Highways, from Quebec Antonio Talbot, Minister Deputy, A Bergeron, Minister, Ernest Gohier, Chief engineer of Department of Roads, from New Brunswick WS Anderson, A Barbour, from British Columbia JV fisher, Honourable EC Carson, from Saskatchewan JT Douglas, HR McKenaze, from Newfoundland ES Spencer. LS of Federal Minister Robert Winters rising to speak, doing speech re Trans-Canada Highway Pact (sound). Sequence on signing of pact showing Ontario delegates signing, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick delegates say a few words but do not sign, Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Alberta delegates signing, Newfoundland delegates not signing. (27/04/1950)


Excerpt from
Trans-Canada Highway Pact Signed
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio