STK-ID 25234

Sequence on Canadian or British soldiers in shallow trenches in woods, firing trench mortars, relaxing, cleaning guns, keeping an eye out for the enemy, firing machine gun. Shot of ambulance jeep moving by camera. Sequence on wounded GI being rescued by one of his comrades during spell of street fighting, being cared for in field hospital. Shots of US Army nurse, of doctors operating in tent surgical room. Sequence on mulberry harbour being used, vehicles rolling off, US troops marching. Shots of bad storm that wrecked part of the harbour, of harbour being used after storm. Shots of German soldiers marching in town of Cherbourg, of US mobile units speeding past camera, infantry moving ahead. GROUND TO AIR LS of bombers. CU of masked face of pilot. Various shots of French peasants working in fields, of cows, intercut with GI's in bush, running for cover. Shots of GI's fraternizing with peasants after battle. Sequence on capture of Cherbourg, srtillery barrage, GI's street fighting, Germans surrending, troops. Shots of ruined harbour, of efforts made by Americans to maki it operational. Sequence on Maquis showing sortie against German convoy in mountains, demolition of a bridge. Shots of dozens of dead civilians killed by Germans in retaliation. Shots of German artillery, armour, paratroop battalion, advancing, in action in Caen region. Dawn shots of Canadian troops advancing, armour preparing to open barrage against city. LSs of air raid against Caen. AERIAL SHOT of bombs falling, explosing. AIR TO AIR SHOTs of bombers, intercut with CUs of pilot. Shots of Canadians entering city, fighting door to door, of utter destruction. Shots of Canadian armour and infantry moving ahead on road out of city, across fields. Shot of German field marshal Erwin Rommel. Shots of German tank firing, of German soldiers firing.


Excerpt from
True Glory, The
National Film Board
Restriction Information
R, E, S, T, R, I, C, T, E, D, :, , D, O, , N, O, T, , S, E, L, L, ;, , C, o, -, p, r, o, d, u, c, t, i, o, n, , M, i, n, i, s, t, r, y, , o, f, , I, n, f, o, r, m, a, t, i, o, n, , (, U, K, ), , a, n, d, , O, f, f, i, c, e, , o, f, , W, a, r, , I, n, f, o, r, m, a, t, i, o, n, , (, U, S, A, ), ;
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio