STK-ID 25249

Shots of British Soldiers looking ahead through binoculars, lying flat and firing rifle. Sequence on US Soldiers in trenches firing mortar. MCU of sign "Arnhem 17". Throwing grenade. Shots of civilians collecting supplies parachuted down during night, of medics bringing in casualties. Several shots of British Soldiers, paratroops, doing nothing in particular, waiting. HAS of Antwerp, of motionless cranes. Sequence on Canadian and Polish attack on Walcheren, mostly shots of soldiers, advancing, firing rifles, moving cautiously through shell ravaged towns. Sequence on de-mining operations carried out by British navy and of arrival of first ships. Shots of unloading of ships, of supply trucks moving on roads, mostly American. Short sequence on night battle gun flashes. Sequence on US Soldiers after a battle, tired men standing by, arriving in trucks, eating at field kitchen, being issued fresh clothing, taking showers, writing letters. Shots of US Soldiers getting back into trucks for trip back to front. Sequence on winter campaign, US Soldiers advancing in snow, ground crew preparing fighters on snow covered British air base, US army nurses clearing snow from vehicles, mule train moving in snow and US troops in Vosges mountains moving up, firing mortars, fighting the cold and the deep snow.


Excerpt from
True Glory, The
National Film Board
Restriction Information
M, a, t, é, r, i, e, l, , M, i, n, i, s, t, r, y, , o, f, , I, n, f, o, r, m, a, t, i, o, n, , (, U, K, ), , e, t, , O, f, f, i, c, e, , o, f, , W, a, r, , I, n, f, o, r, m, a, t, i, o, n, , (, U, S, A, ), , s, o, u, s, , r, e, s, t, r, i, c, t, i, o, n, , n, o, n, , d, i, s, p, o, n, i, b, l, e, , à, , l, a, , v, e, n, t, e
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio