Vertical LAS of turning drill shaft in derrick. Shot of row of gas separators, men at work near them. HAS of countryside, low hills and oil derrick in the distance, frame house in foreground. PAN to hills and oil derrick, road in foreground. MSs of flame and smoke as escaping gas is burnt off. Shots of roughnecks at work on drill shaft. TILT DOWN from travelling block to turning shaft. CUs of spinning shaft and table. FOLLOW SHOT of hook rising within derrick with lenght of drill pipe. MLS of billowing flames and smoke from gas runoff. TILT along mud hose to LAS of swivel. LAMCS of swivel. Shots of gas separators. MS of base of derrick, whole derrick visible in the distance. MS of valve in field, gas separator plant in the distance. Shots of roughnecks manhandling wrenches, adding lenghts of drill shaft. FOLLOW TILT DOWN of block as it lowers pipe lenght into bore hole. TILT UP FOLLOW LAS of block and hook rising inside derrick. Vertical HASs from safety platform at top of derrick, of men working far below, of travelling block rising and descending. MS of chemist testing oil samples. TILT DOWN to sign "Turner Valley samples". Shots of roughneck at derrick.