Anson and Howe battleships: MS of cruiser at dock, heavy guns. Sequence on men doing some repairs on the ship, servicing ship. MS of the Commander of Ajax, Captain Woodhouse and several officers round a table. Shot of loading of sixteen inch shells. Shots of sailors boarding ship, and of a ceremony. Several shots of workers on ship intercut with shots of crew, officers at their posts, tugs busying themselves about cruiser. MLS of British cruiser at sea, crew at their stations, water from moving ship. Shots of cruiser, of various parts of ship, guns, etc. One shot shows bridge of the Firth of Forth (estuary of the Forth River) in the background. MCS of Captain Kinahan and second officer. Sequence on dropping of anchor. A Walrus amphibian flying-boat is launched from the cruiser. MS of Albacore reconnaissance plane. MCS of heavy guns, soldiers open barrels. CU of Captain Kinahan. MLS and MS of guns being fired on the cruiser.