MCS of plaque at entrance of Avenue du Sergeant Hugh Cairns in Valenciennes. HAS of crowd milling about in street. Front MS of Brigadier General Alex Ross, President of Canadian Legion and French official approaching ribbon barring entrance to Sergeant Hugh Cairns Street. Shot of woman approaching camera with flowers, with Ross, officials and crowd visible in background. PAN of French Army troops saluting. Shot of Honorable WJ Patterson, Premier of Saskatchewan, speaking from podium, plaque visible in background. PAN over crowd and LS of Patterson speaking. HAS of French Army band playing, of troops standing at attention. Shots of French official speaking. Shots of General Alex Ross reading Cairn's citation. Shot of Mr Millot, mayor of Valenciennes speaking. Various shots of veterans marching with flags, of crowd marching to Valenciennes War Monument. Shots of ceremony where Mrs George Cairns, mother of the Victoria Cross winner, lays a wreath at the memorial. Two shots of Mr and Mrs George Cairns. Mr Cairns is wearing his son's Victoria Cross. (25/07/1936)