LS of Old Port of Montreal and downtown area with river in foreground, a few high rise buildings in construction are visible in background (0:17). LS of cargo ship passing by downtown area (0:38). LS of city skyline (0:21). MS of tower clock (0:13). MLS of traffic, TILT UP to LAS of Place du Canada Building, (2 shot; 0:47). MCS of a group of bikers at street light (0:15). LAS of high-rise building, TILT DOWN to MLS of Windsor Hotel (0:30). MLS of part of Sunlife building and Place Ville Marie in background, traffic and pedestrians in foreground (0:26). MLS of traffic (0:08). MS of Murray Hill tour bus on Dorchester (now René-Levesque) Boulevard (0:13). MLS of Windsor Hotel, traffic in foreground (0:14). MLSs of traffic and pedestrians on Dorchester (now René-Levesque) Boulevard (1:09)