STK-ID 25896

Sequence in Bologna showing vehicular traffic in street, fountain, little girl running after pigeons on Piazza Maggiore. Shots of piazza, of pedestrians walking up and down stairways going underground, historical buildings in evidence, children playing with pigeons on piazza. Shots of buildings and pedestrians. MSs of old buildings in street, ZOOM INS and ZOOM OUTS on top of building lighted up by sun. Various shots inside room of ancient palace converted in university restaurant, arcades, people seated at tables, painted ceilings and walls in the palace library. Cut to exterior shot of building (the palace?). Various HAMSs of quiet Bologna street, PANS inside office to architects discussing at working table. MCS of poster depicting "Moretti" beer drinker, ZOOM OUT and ZOOM IN on poster hanging on outside wall. Various exterior shots of modern concrete church, MS inside church. Exterior MS of industrial cooperative. Sequence inside pasta cooperative manufacture showing women at work packing. Cut to interior shots of cooperative printing plant, men at work on printers. Various shots in Bolognease office showing personnel working on computers. CS of Italian text coming out of IBM computer. MCS of mayor of Bologna sitting behind his working table, listening and talking to someone. (00/07/1973)


Excerpt from
Urba 2000
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio