Vimy Ridge Memorial, 07/1936. Oblique rear MS of King Edward VIII speaking. HAS of large crowd listening. MLS of facade of base of monument dedicated to soldiers who fought in battle of Vimy Ridge. LS of dignitaries standing at top of monument. Shots of dais, of British empire flag-draped statue, of Edward VIII speaking. Shots of flag-draped statue and of Edward VIII. Newsreel sequence of ceremony showing unsteady AERIAL SHOT of monument, huge crowd (sound). Shot of President Albert Lebrun of France and King Edward VIII walking towards monument with entourage. Shots of Canadian Army veterans, crowd, monument. AERIAL SHOTs of crowd and monument. LASs of top of monument, of flag-draped statue with Edward VII speaking at base, of group of dignitaries on dais. MLS of statue being unveiled by the King. TILT DOWN from top of monument. Shot of flag bearers flanking memorial tablet at base of monument. TILT UP monument. Various shots of sculpted figures on monument. PAN to HAS of dense crowd.