HAMLSs of Kandyan dancers at Place des nations. HAS of Canadian Army soldiers parading into square. Shots of Prime Minister of Ceylon, Dudley Senanayake and Pierre Dupuy on dais, taking salute. HAS of inspection of Honour Guard by Ceylon Prime Minister. Sequence on speeches showing Pierre Dupuy talking, Prime Minister Senanayake answering. Cut to crowd listening. HAS of limousines arriving at Ceylon's pavilion, of Prime Minister Senanayake and Pierre Dupuy walking up steps. Interior shots of reception line, of Prime Minister Senanayake and retinue looking at exhibits. Exterior shots of pavilion. MLSs and CUs of Expo '67 site in vicinity of pavilion, light crowd, minirail. Interior shots of Prime Minister Senanayake, Mayor Jean Drapeau, Pierre Dupuy looking at exhibits, relaxing in tea room.