Various LSs of Variety Village. Cut to sign announcing official opening, FOLLOW SHOT of handicapped boy moving by on crutches. Interior shot of classroom showing handicapped boys, teacher helping one with his work. CU of boy tapping keys of typewriter with one finger. Interior shot of woodworking shop, boys at work, one on drill press, instructor supervising. Several boys forming choir, man directing them in song as adults stand against wall and watch. Two shots of boys eating in dining room. LACU of Trans-Canada Airlines "Northstar" taxiing to a stop, HALS of passengers coming down from plane. MS of banner "Danny Kaye Special". Shot of Danny Kaye coming down, doing the clown with stewardess, being button holed by reporters, being led to meet mayor Hiram McCallum by man dressed up as a barker. Sequence on Danny Kaye chatting, meeting president of Famous Players Theatres JJ Fitzgibbons. CUs of Danny Kaye. Sequence on driving to city from Malton Airport. HALSs, from top of highrise, of motorcade going up Bay Street, City Hall tower visible in the distance. Sequence on arrival at city hall, huge crowd, banners welcoming Danny Kaye. Closer shot of excited girls. Shots of clowning on steps of city hall, mayor, controller Allan Lamport and others having a ball. LAS of Danny Kaye making a speech (silent). Shot of motorcade on way to Variety Village. Sequence on Danny Kaye driving tractor, crowd. (19/11/1949)