STK-ID 26717

BOATING SHOTs of canals, buildings bordering canals and foot bridges over canals. CU on banner attached to bridge advertising the 32nd Venice Biennale. Various shots of gondoliers transporting passengers and motorized boats transporting goods. TRAVELLING SHOT next to cathedral and under bridge with sign that reads, “Zona Osperaldera – Silenzio Rallentare.” WS of street with pedestrians and café. ZOOM OUT from bell on top of San Marco to WS of square. CU of man buying food for the pigeons from a vendor and feeding pigeons. TILT DOWN from basilica to square. HASs of crowd and pigeons in front of San Marco. HAS of rooftops, TILT DOWN to narrow street. MWS of billboard that reads “Invitario Sicilia” with man walking in front, PAN across various billboards advertising the Venice International Film Festival including a film starring Peter Sellers and several titles: “Il Cuore in Gola,” “Que Nella Steppa,” “La Califfa,” “Le Soldatesse,” “Deserto Rosso” by Michelangelo Antonioni, “Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo,” “La fleur de l’age,” “Lilith,” and “The Unknown Battle” by Anthony Mann. Various shots of Grand Canal and palazzos facing it. CU on a passenger in a motorized boat travelling down the canal. CU on a banner hung on a bridge advertising the “International Festival of Contemporary Music.” BOATING SHOT traveling past the vaporetto stop in front of a huge waterside cathedral, CU of dome. MS of water lapping at cathedral steps.


Excerpt from
The Visit
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486