STK-ID 26718

Various shots of nearly deserted Westbahnhof railway station in early morning, trains parked on sidings, very few people. CU of a sign that says “Gleis 6: Neulengbach.” CU of a clock indicating 6:10 am, PAN to sign that reads “Amstretten – Linz 6:30.” CU of train station exterior with sign, “Westbahnhof.” At 03:02:56:05 various shots of city including CU of bronze statue of man cutting a bolt of cloth, PAN of building façade with pigeons, CU of elaborate wrought iron grate in doorway, CU of different bronze statues and PAN of Schenken and Co. building and bank with sign “Creditanstalt – Bankverein.” Various shots of street with moderate traffic including PAN of pedestrians, cars, Napoleon Hotel, a towering cathedral and horsedrawn carriage. HAS of traffic, businesses and shops. Various exterior shots taken in the country, including PAN of empty fields and trees and grass blowing in the wind next to a barbed wire fence. CU of windblown tree, TILT down to sign that reads “Achtung! Stratsgrenze!” Flash PAN from sign to gravel road. TRAVELING SHOT down road, past a small village. TILT UP of sign on a building that reads “Andau,” the name of a town on the border between Austria and Hungary. MS of the façade of a bar, PAN of buildings and alley. CU of barbed wire fence and long grass in ditch, PAN to uniformed border guard poking through the bushes with binoculars in hand. Various shots of border including road through wires of fence, grass in the ditch, lookout post on top of tower. CU of roadside shrine with crucifix, PAN to tree. Interior shots of empty displaced persons camp showing mess hall benches, tables and stage, bunk house with children’s cribs and other beds, closets with abandoned personal effects, empty hallways. CU pan of row of folded blankets, eating utensils. CU PAN of desk with scattered files and card catalogue. CUs of pots and pans in kitchen.


Excerpt from
The Visit
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486