STK-ID 26935

Landing in Sicily: sequence showing battleships firing at Sicilian shoreline, heavy guns firing, explosions in the extreme distance, closer explosions as enemy returns fire. Sequence on landing, GI's in landing craft, jumping on beach, racing past camera. Shots of General GS Patton jumping on beach in dignified manner. Dim shot of British troops landing. Sequence on Americans unloading equipment and supplies. Shots of US troops marching along Sicilian road, firing field pieces. Shots of explosions. Shots of dead Italian soldiers along road, wrecked equipment. Shots of British firing heavy artillery, of infantry, shown in CU, firing machine guns, of British troops advancing on the double, scrambling over debris as they race to flush out Italian soldiers. Shots of Italian prisoners of war. Sequence on British liberating a town, town's people waving. Shots of German prisoners of war. Shots of British in Syracusa, of British herding large number of prisoners. Sequence on American soldiers street fighting, tanks moving through town, jeep coming down flight of steps, soldiers liberating another town as people wave, treating children to a ride in the jeep.


Excerpt from
War News
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 16 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
16mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486