STK-ID 27312

Sequence on invasion day, soldiers in landing craft beachhead on Normandy coast, vehicles being unloaded from transport landing crafts, including GROUND TO AIR SHOT of squadron of Spitfires airborne overhead (06/06/44). Shots of visit by Winston Churchill and General Montgomery, of visit by Montgomery alone at army detachments.


Excerpt from
Wasp Wings
National Film Board
Restriction Information
R, i, g, h, t, s, , t, o, , b, e, , n, e, g, o, c, i, a, t, e, d, , f, o, r, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, , a, n, d, , m, u, s, i, c, , (, R, C, A, F, , O, v, e, r, s, e, a, s, , B, a, n, d, ), , /, , d, r, o, i, t, s, , à, , n, é, g, o, c, i, e, r, , p, o, u, r, , l, a, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, , e, t, , l, a, , m, u, s, i, q, u, e, , (, R, C, A, F, , O, v, e, r, s, e, a, s, , B, a, n, d, ), ;
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
16mm dupe neg comp b&w, 16mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486