Front shot of lumberjack chopping standing tree, being struck in the back, falling, winter. MLS of two girls swimming near rock, splashing each other. TRAVELLING SHOT from car speeding along two-lane highway ahead of oncoming traffic, veering to the right ahead of transport truck, scenery going topsy-turvy as camera car rolls over. CS of rolling front left wheel of truck travelling along highway. Rear shot of badly damaged Ford car, PAN to driver lying on ground, being assisted by passing motorist. TRAVELLING SHOT towards rear of transport truck as camera car approaches, passes it. Interior shot of truck cab, driver twisting wheel suddenly. Shots of four men carrying injured lumberjack on stretcher, placing man in jeep, driving off. Shots of jeep and trailer moving down road through bush, pulling up to DH Beaver aircraft. Shot of pilot inside plane assisting two men placing injured man on stretcher into plane. FOLLOW LS of Beaver rising past jeep immediately after take off. LS of busy highway, Department of Veterans Affairs ambulance speeding towards and past camera. Shot of two men removing wheeled stretcher from inside ambulance in front of hospital door. Shot of ambulance arriving, patient being removed. Shots of boy walking on stone fence, falling. LS of Beaver airplane taking off in north. Shots of traffic on Queen Elizabeth Highway. Shot of transport truck moving past camera, car speeding out of side road onto highway.