STK-ID 27657

[Title: When Winter Comes]: MS of toboggan full of people coming down snowy slope and spilling in front of camera. TRAVELLING SHOT from train, of snow-covered field, evergreens and mountains close by. MS of a train arriving at Banff station and passengers are shown flocking to the station. Brief HAS of Banff main street with little traffic, teepees set up in the middle of the street. Various shots of mountains in winter, evergreen forests, Banff Springs Hotel, intercut with shots of horse-drawn sleigh ride for tourists, of snowshoers on snowy slopes. Shots of a miniature Ice Capades on an outdoor rink, numbers by a group of eight figure skaters, by a couple (man and woman) and by two girls. Various shots of an outdoor hockey game played by women. Various shots of men at outdoor curling match. Shots of an outdoor bonspiel: of tobogganing, skiing, ski jumping, skijoring. Various shots of swimming in sulphur-heated outdoor pools with spectators dressed for cold weather, watching with glee. Shots of Indigenous people in the crowd. [titles interspersed]


Excerpt from
Banff, Canadian Rockies
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486