STK-ID 27891

PAN across herd of hereford cattle standing in snow. MSs of tree cows eating frozen grass rising above snow. LSs of two riders riding over crest of hill and move past hay mow. Side view of man and boy riding past. MLSs of herefords following lod of hay, passing through gate into wire compound, man forking hay from load to feed cattle as hay load is pulled around by team of horses. MS of boy feeding cattle from open hay mow. LS of team of team of horses pulling load of hay along valley. MSs of boy taking water from well, walking towards farm buildings. CS of hereford cow chewing. TILT DOWN to frozen wisp of hay in snow. MLSs of boy breaking ice with axe from watering tub while cows wait, cows drinking. View through window as boy enters stall and gives aberdeen angus calf a drink of water. MS of boy brushing calf. MS of broken ice floating down river. PAN (L>R) to several herefords drinking as they stand on newly formed ice.


Excerpt from
Winter in Canada
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio