STK-ID 27963

Several shots from different angles of three deer hunters wearing red caps and vests, sitting around campfire drinking mugs of tea, dousing campfire with snow, tramping through woods with rifles, loading rifle, firing rifle, hunter with dead deer, much snow visible in all shots. MCS of hunter firing rifle. MCS of dead wolf being poked with nose of rifle. MCS of dead wolf on back of snowmobile, hunter driving off through woods, snow visible in all shots. Several shots from different angles of white beaver trapper Ralph Bice at work skinning beaver outside his cabin, travelling by snowmobile over frozen lake to check his traps, pulling dead beavers from holes in ice, disengaging beaver from traps, rubbing snow into beavers pelts, leaving with load of dead beavers on snowmobile.


Excerpt from
Wolf Pack
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio