STK-ID 28029

Sequence on US troops wearing campaign hats marching past cheering civilians, boarding train, waving from windows as train pulls out. Shots of packed troopship deck. MLS of camouflaged troopship, New York City visible in background. Side view of troopship and barrage balloon. Shot of men disembarking from ship, milling on pier. Shots of civilians drilling with wooden rifles on US training base as drill master (wearing campaign hat) gives orders. Sequence on General Pershing decorating US soldiers. Shot of men moving in single files across no man's land after battle. HAS of many men moving on battlefield, taking refuge in mine crater. Shot of silhouette of mounted soldier moving away from camera, covered supply wagon nearby. Sequence on field camp, small tent, men cooking chow, Cavalry and Infantry straggling past tent. HAS of tank lumbering along, US soldiers riding on top or following on foot (all shots same as NFB1910-DN-14-87). Shots of men unloading large shells from truck. Several shots of men loading limbers, unloading shells from wagons. PAN to truck axle-deep in mud, unloaded truck stuck in mud (same as NFB1910-FG-14-51, NFB1910-DN-14-33). Shot of man wading in waterfilled pothole in road as his comrades stand around. Shot of lorries filled with soldiers moving slowly past camera. Shot of men boarding lorries (other location). Shot of soldiers riding horse-drawn troop carrying wagons, men riding horses or following on foot. Shots of long line of pack horses being led by soldiers on roads or on battlefield. Shot of vehicles and men moving slowly on very muddy main street of village. Shot of US army lorries negociating very muddy road with difficulty as men stand by ready to assist (all vehicle shots same as NFB1910-FG-14-45). Shot of men of Engineering Corps digging drainage ditch along corduroy road in town as military traffic moves by slowly (same as NFB1910-FG-14-48). Sequence on US army engineers repairing shell-torn railroad tracks in railroad yard, filling up bomb craters (same as NFB1910-DN-14-87).


Excerpt from
World War One
New York (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486, 1920 x 1080