STK-ID 28122

Parades and march pasts: shot of military band and soldiers parading by camera on dirt road in small town. Sequence on parade in Deauville, soldiers marching past camera. Shots of 14th and 102nd Battalions marching. Sequence on soldiers marching towards mansion, marching away from it past camera. Sequence on cadet officers at Bexhill parading smartly past command officer and camera. Shot of Scottish Highlanders parading informally past camera, civilians (men, women) seem to march along with them in foreground. Two shots of Royal navy parading past policeman in London. Shot of Berlin, German troops escorting dignitaries, Brandenburg Gate in background. Sequence on Infantry, Artillery and Cavalry parading past camera in Mons in Victory Parade (same as NFB1910-FG-14-77). Various shots of men marching, artillery batteries being towed past, bicycle troops, bands, old armoured car following at rear. Sequence on parade past General Currie and other high ranking officers on cobblestone road, village buildings in background (same as NFB1910-DN-14-86). Shot of Infantry with drawn bayonets parading with horse-drawn vehicles hauling supplies.


Excerpt from
World War One
Deauville, London (England), Berlin, Mons
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486, 1920 x 1080