Troop movements: shots of column of soldiers marching past camera on road, through town, officers marching with men, ordering (same as NFB1910-FDN-14-86). Shots of French soldiers marching past camera and past long line of lorries, marching in single file through town and in columns on road. HAMS of trailing of "the old contemptibles" looking weary and disgrunted, following camera (staged shot). Dark shot of men moving on road, snowy hills in background. Shot of long column marching, lorries hauling supplies, following in van. Three shots of Canadian soldiers parading past camera on bridge between Belgium and Germany. Sequence on elements of Canadian Army marching past General Currie on road, Currie saluting. Shot of three batteries of field artillery, 6" 26CWT howitzers and heavier guns being drawn past by motor lorry and by primitive half-track tractor, modification of the Holt tractor (same as NFB1910-FG-14-77). HAS of Canadian soldiers from 2nd Battalion Headquarter Orderly Regiment marching past and underneath camera, some carrying folded stretchers, officers of company riding behind (same as NFB1910-FG-14-78). Shots of other company of men marching on cobblestoned road. Three LSs of column of US soldiers marching past disabled tank (same as NFB1910-FG-14-78). HAMS of US soldiers wearing campaign hats marching past camera and past building in background. Shot of Canadian soldiers marching past camera on country road, battlefield in background. PAN along huge armoured vehicles with tracks, soldiers perched on top, to group of men resting on roadside (same as NFB1910-FG-14-80).