STK-ID 28146

HAMS of two men loading and firing 18 pounder field gun in sandbagged gun position. MS back view of 18 pounder field gun being fired from under camouflage canopy. MLS of 60 pouder gun firing, soldier eating seated on pile of supplies in foreground. MLS of 6" Mark 7 field gun being armed and fired, cut to MS side view of soldiers fusing shells, gun being depressed, loaded and fired in background. MS back and side views of guns being armed and fired (also NFB1910-DN-26). Two MSs of soldiers firing gun equipped with breech block mechanism (probably captured German gun) from screen of shrubs. Sequence showing various gun crews arming and firing gun battery, including views of soldiers carrying 6" shells, commandant giving order to fire, soldier blocking his ears with his hands.


Excerpt from
World War One
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486, 1920 x 1080