STK-ID 2906

Shots of old Ford automobile moving past camera, young couple waving to camera from the back. MS of youg couple coming down stairs at Community Hall, FOLLOW SHOT as they take food from table nearby. MCS of National Film Board bilingual sign, TILT UP to sky. MS of horse-drawn wagon loaded with teenagers moving past camera. CS of teenagers aboard wagon, wrestling and jostling each other. MSs of young couple coming out door of Community dance floor at night, coming down steps, entering car. HAMLS of horse-drawn wagon loaded with teenagers moving down street in Carp, Ontario, teenagers stepping off wagon, racing up steps, entering hall.


Excerpt from
Barn Dance
Carp (Ontario)
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio