Low level AERIAL SHOT over water in Montreal Harbour, under Jacques-Cartier Bridge, smoggy day. Two shots of statue of Champlain, one shot with leafless tree in foreground. Long circular TRAVELLING SHOT of statue of Champlain. Various CUs of statue. MCS of Red Ensign flag, statue of Champlain partly visible in background. LAS of Champlain Theatre marquee, French bill. MS of board advertising attractions at Cafe Champlain. Shots of signs "Restaurant Champlain", "Fleuriste Champlain" (Champlain Flower Shop), "Champlain Men's Wear", "Salon de Beaute Champlain (Champlain Beauty Shop), "Champlain Motors" with gas pumps and parking in foreground. TILT UP "Champlain Cleaners" facade and sign.