STK-ID 30019

Sequence on people grocery shopping in "Hyper Marche Bonimart" in shopping centre in Laval; FOLLOW SHOT of couple shopping in alleys, much people in evidence. TRAVELLING SHOT as seen from inside shopping cart showing food being put in cart, wires of cart, people in alleys. DOLLY LAS of food on shelves, people in alleys. Several exterior shots of warmly dressed grocery employees picking up shopping carts, of man unloading grocery bags from cart, putting bags in car, of grocery employees pushing long line of shopping carts inside shopping centre to grocery store, of woman unloading grocery bags from cart to her car, of grocery employees picking up shopping carts in parking lot, snow in evidence. (00/02/1975)


Excerpt from
Chronique de la vie quotidienne
Laval (city and region)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio