STK-ID 3009

[Title: The 22nd (French Canadian) Battalion]: HAMS of Royal 22nd Battalion marching on a dirt road in France. MS of men in line-up, receiving soup. MS PAN of men sitting on the ground enjoying their dinner, including CS of French Canadian officer wearing his cap sideways trading bread for a cigarette. MS PANs across group of non-commissioned officers smoking, horsing around for camera. MS PAN across group of officers. HASs of troops lined up for outdoor mass, priest in middle of unit, including HALS of men praying and receiving communion. MS of company marching towards camera through French town, including MCS of Colonel asking a French woman for direction, while men rest on roadside before taking the road again, marching past camera. MLS of men being briefed by Lieutenant-Colonel Tremblay (also NFB1910-N-118, NFB1910-DN-26). CU of Tremblay adressing men. MLS of men leaving. (00/09/1916) [Bilingual titles interspersed]


Excerpt from
Battle of Courcelette
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080