STK-ID 30138

CS of Inuk hunter from behind aboard boat looking out for game, islands and other yacht in background. Various shots of Inuit in bow of yacht, spearing seal they have killed to drag it to stern of boat, hauling it aboard, recovering rope and re-attaching it to spear gun. MLS to MS of other yacht, hunters aboard. Various shots of hunters pulling catch from water onto foredeck of boat. Interior MSs and CSs of boat, men preparing to set off again. Various shots of yacht moving at high speed on water, followed by second yacht, two yachts moving side-by-side. PAN UP over village to three yachts approaching and reaching shore. MS PAN over boats stopped at shore. CS and MS of hunter pulling catch (seal) through water to shore, helped by other hunter. MS and CS of other hunters unloading catch into water.


Excerpt from
Debout sur leur terre
Ottawa Islands
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio