MLS of Inuit on snowmobiles arriving in middle of rocky snow-covered hills, disappearing behind in direction of bay. LS of men on stationary snowmobiles from behind, setting off downhill one behind the other. LS of snowmobiles arriving from horizon, emerging from hills and approaching until they pass camera. LS of snowmobiles arriving from distance, passing near camera, following edge of bay then moving away, exiting image. MLS PAN of hills and bay. MLS and LS PAN of hills around bay, slightly misty. CS of two Inuit poking ice to test hardness, putting icepick back on sled, starting snowmobile and advancing on ice pulling sled carrying two men, moving away to join man farther off. MLS of four Inuit around sled preparing gear, taking small boat off sled, one placing boat in water, taking paddle, breaking ice in front while other man pushes from behind, man sits in boat and tries to push it through ice using paddle.