STK-ID 30174

MS of man entering shack, reading tide instruments at drillsite Grenadier A-26 on ice island. MCS, CS, of man taking readings and writing down notes, including shot of the instrument, of man over hole in the floor. MS of man walking out of shack. Shots of man in "moon pool" taking water temperature readings. Shots of workers warming up in cloakroom, drinking coffee, smoking and talking, of men putting on outdoor clothes and going out, of men coming in and removing outdoor clothes, one of them helping himself with coffee. Various MSs, CSs of man (Tim) entering cloakroom, taking off many winter clothes, of Tim walking in corridor as other men exit other rooms. MSs, CSs of Tim entering room, sitting, writing down notes, looking at map. CS of map.


Excerpt from
Beyond the Frontier
MacLean Strait
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio