Low level AERIAL SHOT from helicopter of pock-marked Beaumont-Hamel Battlefield (where 1st Newfounland Regiment was nearly annihilated during Battle of the Somme) from Caribou Memorial to cemetery. Long TRAVELLING SHOT of Caribou Memorial. Shots of caribou on top of Memorial. Shot of sheep herd, old trench in lower foreground, cemetery monument in extreme distance. PAN of same to sign "Newfoundland Line". FOLLOW SHOT of sheep herd past sign "German Front Line - 1916" to old trenches. Several closer shots of sheep dog, sheep grazing around old rusted machine gun, shepherd. CU of pile of rusty debris (parts of helmets, an antipersonnel bomb). Shot of battlefield without sheep, steel barb wire pickets, one with rusty German helmet on it. HAS of trenches, man walking towards camera inside trenches. FOLLOW SHOT of man.