Two shots of Governor general Vincent Massey speaking at table during banquet, Prime minister John Diefenbaker and wife Olive present. Exterior shot of Diefenbaker, Vincent Massey emerging from building, Massey leaving by car at night. Shot of Diefenbaker and wife watching Massey drive away. Shot of limousine moving away. Interior shot of George Hees shaking Massey's hand while John and Olive Diefenbaker stand by during reception. MCS of Hees, Massey, Diefenbaker. Shot of Massey, Diefenbaker and wife, unidentified man and woman in evening dresses, posing for camera. LAS of dignitaries passing by Massey, Diefenbaker and wife, shaking hands. Various MCSs of Massey, Diefenbaker and wife, at banquet, individually and in groups. LS and closer shot of Diefenbaker speaking from end of main table during banquet. FOLLOW SHOT of Massey shaking hands with various dignitaries at station. LAMS of Massey waving to camera. Interior shot of Union Station in Ottawa, Canadian Guards drawn up on parade, officers saluting Vincent Massey in civies, Massey taking salute, saluting in turn. Sequence from newsreels showing ceremony of presentation of colours to the 5th Battalion of the Canadian Guards by Governor general Vincent Massey at Rideau Hall (13/09/1959). Shots of soldiers marching, Massey taking salute.