STK-ID 30575

Various shots of the Royal Yacht Britannia sailing into Charlottetown Harbour. PANS of city to yacht and back. Shots of yacht at dockside. Various shots of motorcade moving through Charlottetown streets, of arrival of Queen Elizabeth II at Confederation Building, of Queen and Lieutenant-Governor Willibald Joseph MacDonald walking up steps to dais. Telephoto shots, ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT of Prime Minister Lester B Pearson making speech, of Queen speaking (silent). HA PAN over crowd of onlookers, children waving small Union Jack flags, men sporting cameras, pipe band, cars in motorcade. Shots of Britannia arriving, approaching dock, being docked. Shots of sailors at work on bridge. MSs and CUs of CBHT-CBC television camera at dockside, Royal Canadian Mounted Police escort standing at ease. Sequence showing positioning of gangplank. ECU of hawser, TILT UP to bow of yacht, PAN along ship and TILT UP to bridge. FOLLOW SHOTS of royal couple disembarking, shaking hands. Shot of Queen Elizabeth II being led to dais for troop inspection. Sequence showing Queen Elizabeth inspecting Canadian Guards Regiment, Prince Philip chatting with veterans. CU of veteran, women in crowd. MLS of guards presenting arms. Sequence showing royal couple getting into limousine. Sequence on Queen at Confederation Building, crowd with Union Jack flag, television crews.


Excerpt from
The Hundredth Summer
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Digital Video Disk, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080