High AERIAL SHOTs over Expo' 67 islands, downtown Montreal. Sequence on construction of Unites States geodesic dome showing MLSs and MSs of framework, men clinging to structure, being hoisted up to top, down to ground. MLSs of whole pavilion, very top missing. LS, MLSs of USSR pavilion under construction. Rear shot of USSR pavilion, Expo Express passing by in background, ship moving in seaway beyond. LS of La Ronde under construction, Gyrotron. Vertical LAS of Gyrotron framework, TILT DOWN to head of man driving camera boat. MLSs of almost complete British pavilion. HAS over Yugoslav pavilion. HAS over Expo '67 under construction, looking out towards Man The Producer theme pavilion and unfinished US pavilion in the distance, Shots of French pavilion under construction. Shot past Quebec pavilion towards Canadian pavilion complex, PAN to Quebec pavilion. Smoggy MLS of German pavilion. Three interior shots of German pavilion under construction, only one worker visible. LS of minirail moving. TRAVELLING SHOT from one of the cars, two hostesses talking, pointing out various sites. TRAVELLING SHOTs of theme pavilion, Japanese pavilion from moving minirail car.