STK-ID 3067

Various shots of weather ship "Vancouver", parts thereof, rotating radar scanner near small radome, one shot with sun flashing on and off from behind turning scanner, meteorological measuring instruments, Canadian flag, ship's superstructure. MLS of the weather ship "Vancouver" as man casts off mooring. ZOOM IN on bow of ship. LSs, MLSs of ship moving very slowly, wooded hills in background. Cuts to CUs of ship name "Vancouver" smoking stack, crewman at rail. TILT DOWN from mast, rotating radar scanner, bridge, superstructure, to shot of officer seeming to pose for the camera situated at bow of ship. Shot of meteorological instruments, wind velocity instrument, wind direction indicator. Various shots of two officers, crew members. Shot of crew member retrieving sample from bottle that has just been hoisted up from the deep. Vertical HAS downside of bow, anchor visible, bow wave. LS of man guiding cable as sample bottle is being hoisted up from the water. Sequence on man launching weather balloon from deck of ship and follow of balloon rising obliquely. Shots of men blowing up weather balloon in preparation for launching.


Excerpt from
Telecommunications: Behind the Scenes
Vancouver (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio