Various shots of cheese factory, workers at work over cheese vat, of agitators in action. Shot of man dumping milk into whey tank as supervisor takes samples of milk. PAN from operator to milk in whey tank. CU of milk flowing into dump tank. CU of rotating steel mixing arms churning curd in vat. Shot of two workers removing cover from long vat, moving lumps of cheese. Shots of mixing arms churning curds, liquid cheese. Various shots of workers shovelling curds, moving cheese round forms, carrying out various other processes. HAMS PAN of cheese rounds. Various shots of workers filling mould with butter, packaging butter. TRAVELLING SHOTs of farms, of Mennonite family in horse-drawn buggy trotting along on highway, on roadside. MSs of boxes of butter labelled "Canadian Creamery Butter", of man putting another box on pile.