DOLLY OUT to MS of track walker walking towards camera in lorrie shed. Shot of brakeman throwing switch. CU of switch blade moving as man heads away from camera in background, boarding diesel locomotive moving to within a few feet of camera. Shot of other man setting lantern atop standard. Shot of track motor moving briefly towards camera. Shot of section hand walking away from camera, entering cabin buried under snowbank. Closer shot of man entering tunnel in snow leading to door of cabin. Shot of snow plough moving slowly towards and past camera. Reverse angle of plough moving away. Swift TRAVELLING SHOT from motor of track, snowbanks, snow-laden trees and telegraph poles. Shot of two mailboxes on wall of station. LAMS of station master holding aloft hoop with message attached, of train speeding past, of arm catching hoop. MLS of water tank, of diesel freight speeding by. LS of hamlet of Albert Canon. Shot of train crew coming off diesel engine at Revelstoke. Shot of other man servicing coaches. CU of moving gallon register. Shots of van of freight on siding, of CPR train moving past Stoney Creek Station, of operator as train passes. (00/02/1958)