STK-ID 3096

Two shots of monk seated at piano composing. CS of carving depicting head and hands holding dove. Two shots of monk working in modern cheese factory. Shot of monk, or lay brother pouring milk. Shot of recreation room, panelled walls, stone fireplace, novices playing ping pong and other games. Interior shot of woodworking shop, novices at work. Interior shot of part of laundry with modern equipment, two novices (wearing black robes) putting sheets into machine as other puts stocking on stretchers to dry. Long sequence shot in cheese factory showing various operations in the making of cheese. Shot of workers in vault full of cheese wrapped in silver foil; workers push racks loaded with Ermite cheese. CU of wrapped and labelled section of Ermite cheese. CS of prior rapping gavel on table. Sequence showing monk painting with water colours, of open cupboard with several elegant metal goblets, monk painting pictures on metal goblets. MS of monks carrying books and chanting as they move slowly down steps of open-shaft circular staircase. TILT UP to ceiling from well of circular stair. TILT DOWN to side view of monks as they ascend the stairs.


Excerpt from
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio