Three LSs on icebreaker "NB McLean" butting through ice. LS of ice as seen from bridge, bow visible in lower foreground. Shot of broken ice sliding by the side. Shots of pilot at wheel, of captain Wilfred Dufour operating engine room telegraph. Cut to sheets of broken ice. HAS of ship's bow moving ahead from top of bridge, of camera ship coming to a dead stop on pack ice. LS of icebreaker slicing through ice, coming to a stop. CU of lifesaver, name "NB McLean, Ottawa" written on. Various shots of ice being smashed, ship stopping, going backwards and trying again, as seen from deck of icebreaker, smaller "Ernest Lapointe" hard at work visible in background. LSs of bow of "NB McLean" cutting through ice. AERIAL SHOTs of icebreakers at work. (11/03/1953)