STK-ID 3098

MLS of young novices playing with ball on lawn in front of Saint-Benoit-du Lac Monastery, three others with police dog joining them. MLS of countryside around monastery from fork in dirt road, horse-drawn wagon approaching, chickens visible in field. MS of two Benedictine monks drawing water from stone well in meadow, monastery in background. PAN right to monk carrying watering can to flower-bed, beginning watering plants. MS of boy in foreground throwing stick for dog to catch on lawn in front of monastery. MCS of two laymen unloading milk cans from cart onto conveyor in wall of monastery. LS of hundreds of white hens in field near chicken houses. FOLLOW SHOT of lay brother approaching, throwing feed to chickens. Shot of monks spraying apple trees with tractor-towed tank sprayer. LS of monks walking and meditating on beautifully kept terrace. MLS of monastery, monks walking towards it along flagstone pathway. HALS across orchard looking towards monastery. Various shots of brothers rounding pigs, clearing field of stones, playing quoits, driving Ayrshire cows, relaxing on benches. Shots of group of monks hoeing gardening, cultivating vegetables in field.


Excerpt from
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio