Exterior shot of doors of chapel opening, monks coming out, some putting on straw hats, walking off apparently on their way back to fields. Exterior shots of doors of chapel, monks coming from fields approaching and entering. MLS from shade of maple tree. Shots of brothers leaving chapel and approaching camera. MCS of bell in chapel ringing, LAMLS of hay field, Saint-Benoit-du Lac Monastery in background, brother working with pitchfork in foreground. Shot of horse-drawn mower approaching and passing camera. LSs of monastery, farm buildings, orchard and fields, of Benedictine monks. Various shots of monastery. CS of hay load, straw-hatted brother visible above it as he pushes hay back with fork. LS of horse-drawn mower cutting hay in field, modern tractor-cutter passing camera in foreground. Shots of group of monks shelling peas. LS PAN of countryside across grain field, rolling hills in background. PAN and hold on lake in distance. HALS and CS across vegetable gardens where brothers are working, brothers stop working, listen and start walking towards camera.