Mr Canada Contest (19/10/1949): various shots of greased muscle men parading past camera, pausing, showing off their muscles. Shots of Ronald Fould (#18), Eddy Cornell (#69), Bruce Page (#68), Pierre Besner (#70). HAS over crowd, judges at work. Shot of muscle man exhibiting muscle control. Cut to girl watching. Shots of Al Paivio (#76), Mr Canada of 1948, showing off his muscles. Cut to woman admiring. Shots of men showing off muscular control, showing off for last time. CU of winner, Ed Theriault being presented with award by Rejane Roberts feeling his bicep, looking impressed. Shots of winner with runner ups posing with trophies, Mr Canada senior, George Boulanger (#52), Mr Canada junior, Phil Desrosiers (#12), Mr Canada of 1949, Ed Theriault (#77). Shots of Ben Weider presenting George Boulanger with trophy, applause.