CS of Inuit guide. LS of "CGS Arctic" in harbour, crew unloading supplies on shore in foreground. Shots of bullets hitting water as seal tries to dodge them, of dog coming onto boat, of supplies in rowboats being brought ashore, piled on beach, polar bear on ice, suddenly rolling over from direct bullet, of Inuits posing in front of shack, of postman of post being sworn in, of group sitting around table during meeting. Shots of boats loaded with supplies coming ashore, of group in front of RCMP Headquarter, of dogs being taken off "CGS Arctic", of plaque in form of clock re "RCMP INSPECTOR WILCOX, CGS ARCTIC, CAPTAIN BERNIER, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT EXPEDITION 1922 and OFFICER-IN-CHARGE, JD CRAIG", a sun dial to be permanently fixed to rock at Craig Harbour outpost. CSs of young Inuit girl, of sign on shack "RCMP CUSTOMS POST OFFICE", of apparatus for spearing whales being put together aboard "CGS Arctic". Sequence on trial of Nookoodlah and three Inuits charged with murder of Robert James. CSs of Nookoodlah and RCMP Sergeant Joy, of witnesses and Inuits gathered for trial. Shots of Nookoodlah aboard "CGS Arctic" with Sergeant Joy and two RCMP constables, of JD Craig and RCMP officials.