PANs of Arctic coastline showing mountains, ice floes. CU of two long-haired, smiling Inuit men. HAS of crowd lined up on Quebec dock, awaiting arrival of CGS Arctic. LS of brick wall of Citadel. Shot of crew folding sails of Arctic. MCS of young Inuit girl juggling rocks like pro. Shots of supplies piled up on shore at Ellesmere, of Inuit child in doorway of summer tent. Shot of three government officials awaiting on Quebec dock, Chateau Frontenac in background. CS of life preserver marked "CGS ARCTIC-OTTAWA". Crew of Arctic posing for camera. Shot of Captain Joseph Bernier walking along deck of "CGS Arctic" in shirt sleeves. PANs of calm sea and coastline. Two Royal Canadian Mounted Police constables posing with short man on deck, Bernier and some of crew on deck. Supply ship anchored off shore at Ellesmere, Inuits dancing square dances, ocean-going tugboat moving off from "CGS Arctic" and men building structures on Ellesmere. Inuit tent with fire going in foreground, rocky hill in immediate background.