STK-ID 31123

Shots of people filing past coffin, shaking hands with Jean-Jacques Bertrand, of former Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec laying in coffin. PAN along line of Quebec politicians to coffin. Shot of Fleur de Lys flag, TILT DOWN to Johnson in coffin. Shots of Mrs Johnson and sons, approaching coffin, praying. MLS of coffin, flowers, two men standing by. Shot of Mrs Johnson coming out court house escorted by son Pierre-Marc and daughter-in-law Jocelyne, getting into limousine. Several shots of people lining up for last look at Johnson, of line-up outside court house, policemen keeping eye on things. Interior shot of Mrs Johnson receiving condolences, of people filing past. PAN along row of Montreal mounted police. Shot of pallbearers carrying coffin out court house, placing it in hearse. Shots of people lining street, of Mrs Johnson getting into limousine, of cortege on the move. Shot of cortege moving along Tachereau Boulevard lights on. Shot of cortege moving under archway near Saint-Hyacinthe, people lining road, Saint-Hyacinthe band lining roadway, playing. LAS of cross at Saint-Pie cemetery. Shots of open grave, of tombstone. TILT UP flowers past Fleur de Lys flag to LAS of Saint-Pie church. Shot of statue of Christ, towers of church in background. Side shot of statue, Fleur de Lys flag at half mast. (30/09/1968)


Excerpt from
Premier D. Johnson's Funeral
Saint-Pie, Montreal, Saint-Hyacinthe
National Film Board
Available formats
HDCAM SR, Digital Video Disk, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080