HAMLS of a village in Quebec. High snow banks bordering road from camera to village, truck going down hill. Shots of village, much snow everywhere, two boys passing in front of camera with small dogsleds, going up hill. Shots of church, snow-covered street, a few people arriving for service. TRAVELLING SHOT of high snow banks through village. LS of man heading for church, much snow. Shot of school children marching in orderly fashion on snow-covered street. Shots of boys arriving at church, TILT UP to steeple. LAS of statue of Virgin, church facade in background. LSs of people entering church one at a time. TRAVELLING SHOT down snow-covered main street of village. Side LS of statue on pedestal, snow, wall of building in background. CU of head of statue, star over it. LS of town. HAS down slope under railway overpass towards buildings. Shot of man on farm tractor coming up hill towards camera from under overpass. CU of man on tractor examining camera as he passes by. LS of building, telephone poles, snowy field beyond, woods in distant background.